How to Install the Latest Version of Hugo

You can view the latest releases here.

If you want some extras with it, explore the exended edition. The ’extended’ version includes SASS building, extra minfiying and resource processing.

Ubuntu 20.04 & 22.04

For Debian-based linux distributions, like Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal) and Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy), it’s often easiest to pick up the latest copy over on the Hugo github (under Releases). One reason for this is how quickly new versions come out, the versions inside package managers can become out-dated quickly.

sudo dpkg -i hugo_extended_?VERSION?_linux-amd64.deb

Or, Alternative Method:

sudo apt install hugo

Finally, Test it!

Either of these ways should be enough to get you setup, so that if you type:

$ hugo version
hugo v?VERSION?-00b46f.....

…then you can see the current version running.

The only other setup required is the either setup your new project, or navigate to your existing site and run the hugo command.


Updating Hugo should be very similar to installing. If you downloaded a .deb file, download the new one and install it. If you installed through a package manager, like apt, your limited by their version, but running apt update && apt upgrade would update to the latest.