If you’re into your front-end web performance you will probably have heard of Google Pagespeed and/or Lighthouse as tools to test and measure how quickly and efficiently you web pages load. This is also something we use here on this site to make your reading as pleasant as possible.
But, we also use the online commenting system called Disqus and the two don’t always play nicely together - in that Disqus loads lots of files and takes a while to load.
This is more of a JavaScript related issue than Hugo however, but an issue we come across a lot on Hugo-built sites.
Our Solution
We load the commenting system only when someone scrolls to it. We use a thing called the IntersectionObserver api in JavaScript to watch for the scrolling, which calls loadDisqus() when we reach a threshold (600px away from it in this example).
// =============================
// Disqus
// =============================
vardisqusEl=document.getElementById("disqus_thread");if(disqusEl!==null){if("IntersectionObserver"inwindow){startDisqusObserver();}else{loadDisqus(disqusEl.getAttribute('data-shortname'));}}// Look for when the user hits the comments before loading
functionstartDisqusObserver(){vardisqus_observer=newIntersectionObserver(function(entries){if(entries[0].isIntersecting){loadDisqus(entries[0].target.getAttribute('data-shortname'));disqus_observer.disconnect();}},{threshold:[0],rootMargin:"0px 0px 600px 0px"});disqus_observer.observe(document.querySelector("#disqus_thread"));}// Load the script
Edd is a PHP and Go developer who enjoys blogging about his experiences, mostly about creating and coding new things he's working on and is a big beliver in open-source and Linux.
Add Search To A Hugo Site
As with many sites these days, once they get beyond a certain size then search becomes an essential part of them. It can however, be one of the trickier parts of a statically built website because without a back-end to do the search for you, it has to be done client-side in the web browser using JavaScript.
Luckily, solutions to this problem already exist and we show off one these solutions below which uses both FuseJS and MarkJS.
Minify and Load CSS Through Hugo
This post is about loading your CSS files with Hugo in an easy and efficient way, now that Hugo has asset and minification built-in. The advantages of using the functions that come with Hugo are that you don’t have to do any of the building yourself (or use a third party), it just does it!
There are a few steps involved in the code that we will walk through:
Specify your main scss filename (the one where everything imports into).